At St John’s we use the NCEE scheme of learning for Computing, as this gives a structured approach to the teaching of computing, enabling children to develop and progress their knowledge and skills over time. Within each year group, online safety is taught so that children know how to keep themselves safe in the digital world.
Please read the appropriate Acceptable Use Policy with your child. Please have a conversation about safe internet use and explore some of the links on this page.
Once you have read the policy, please follow the relevant Microsoft Form link so that we know you have read the relevant documentation.
Many thanks,
Mrs. Poynton.
Year 1 and Year 2 Acceptable Use Policy
Year 3 and Year 4 Acceptable Use Policy
Year 5 and Year 6 Acceptable Use Policy
EYFS parent/carer return:
Year 1/2 parent/carer return:
Year 3/4 parent/carer return:
Year 5/6 parent/carer return:
We take online safety very seriously here at St John’s. We believe it is the responsibility of everybody in our school community to help our pupils remain safe whilst online.
If you have any concerns or worries regarding anything online you can report this to the NSPCC on 08088005000.
Another place where you can find support regarding online matters is The National Online Safety Information Centre. This service can be accessed via their website or via an app. This website provides you with lots of handy hints and tips related to online safety. You can download help guides to all the major apps and it will also give you information regarding keeping your internet safe and secure. The website can be accessed via this link.
The National Online Safety Centre run a campaign called Wake Up Wednesday. This provides a new parent guide every week to help you stay up to date with current issues and concerns.
Below, you will also find some parent guides to some of the most commonly used apps that your children may have access to.
Safe And Healthy Online Habits
Please bear in mind that most of the apps that children have access to have age limitations as they are not designed for children.
Why is this a problem? Social media can be a great way for children to stay connected with friends and family, express themselves and connect with their community. However, social media poses many potential dangers for users, particularly those who are underage. High levels of social media usage are linked to depression and anxiety. Children are at risk of being exposed to harmful and inappropriate content, such as sex, drugs and violence. By seeing this content normalised and glamorised on the internet, children become desensitised to harmful behaviour and ideologies. Children who regularly use social media are more likely to be exposed to dangerous people and to experience cyberbullying, as well as more likely to participate in underage drinking, drug use and the purchase of tobacco products. The mindset of comparison and approval-seeking that social media cultivates could cause body image issues and low self-esteem.
To help you and your child safely navigate the internet and social media, why not take a look at the Internet Matters Online Family Toolkit. This will help the whole family make better choices regarding online usage.
There are also some other websites where parents can find information and support.
Vodaphone offers a free Digital Parenting Guide with useful tips and advice. Follow this link to access information for you and your family.
Common Sense Media also provide easy-to-read articles to help parents navigate the digital world.