Proud to be part of QEGSMAT
Shine like
the star
you are


Our Curriculum has been constructed to allow all of our pupils SHINE.


Our ambitious curriculum aims to challenge each of our learners to be the greatest version of themselves and reach their potential, preparing them for the bright futures that lie ahead of them.  We aim to build on prior learning, deepen knowledge and enhance skills that foster a lifelong love of learning.

We have created opportunities across our curriculum that allow all of our core values to be explored and achieved:

Strength: have the strength to stand up for what is right. Be a courageous advocate.

Hope: to be people of hope. Have hope when times are dark and difficult. Keep positive and be resilient – there is light at the end of the tunnel.

Individuality: embrace and celebrate our differences. God made us all unique and this is a very special thing

Nurture (kindness / love / compassion / respect): cherish, care for, encourage and protect everything in God’s world – including yourself.

Excel: fulfil your God given potential; be the best you can be. Shine like the star you are.

These aims are achieved both within taught curriculum areas, extra-curricular activities and all of the informal curriculum that exists throughout our school.


Our curriculum places our learners at the heart of everything we do. The learning journey of our individuals’ has been carefully sequenced to be ambitious and appropriate for all our learners. We believe in having the same high expectations of all of learners but accept some will need additional support to achieve these aims.

Supporting Pupils At St. John’s (The Graduated Approach)

Year Group Curriculum Maps

© 2025 St John's CE Primary School - Wetley Rocks Made by CODA Education

St John's CE Primary School - Wetley Rocks