Welcome to Year 6!
Year 6 Weekly Timetable
On P.E. days, we will aim to be outdoors as often as possible, so please ensure that a St John’s PE jumper is in school on PE days.

Homework Information
Children in Y6 should aim to engage 25 minutes of quality reading time at home at least five times per week. It is also essential that times tables are worked on and learned regularly. Rapid recall of times tables facts up 12×12 greatly assists in many areas of the Maths curriculum.
English and Maths homework will be set weekly for completion the following week, however this may change on a rare occurrence.
English and Maths Homework will be set on Friday to be completed by the following Wednesday evening. It will be marked in class, if necessary, on Thursday.
Spelling homework will be set on Friday in preparation for spelling quiz on Wednesday.
Reading must be completed every day. Please return your Reading Record to me each morning so that I can award team points to our regular readers!
It is, however, important to note that homework shouldn’t be taking hours. If there is any kind of issue at all then please do let me know as soon as possible and we can work through it together.
Many thanks
Mr Redfern
Link to Y6 Homework Padlet: Click Here
Spelling Overview for Year 6
End of Year 6 spelling expectations. Pupils should spell ‘most’ of these words correctly (generally spelt correctly with occasional errors).
Focus Spelling Letter Strings Doc
Statutory Word List For Years 3 And 4
Accelerated Reader Information for Parents – How it works:
Pupils take a STAR Reader online assessment every half term which gives pupils a book range most suited to their needs (ZPD). Pupils are free to select any book they wish from their ‘range’.
On completion of the book, children will take an online quiz at school. Our school benchmark for success is an 85% average. Updates regarding your child’s reading progress will be given via text or their reading record.
Reading Engaged Time Per Day
The program calculates how long each pupil is reading each day using the number of words in the book (word count) and the time taken between each quiz. Our target is for an engaged time of 25 minutes per day – some of this will be done in school but regular, quality home reading is essential in order for this important target to be reached.
To increase success rates, you can ask your child to tell you about the story they are reading and discuss any new vocabulary with them.
If all pupils read regularly and reach the target reading time and quiz pass rate, the class will achieve ‘master class’ status.
Staffordshire Police – Preventing Child Exploitation Update
Come the turn of the year, thoughts can turn to revision- specifically what to use and how / when to do it. Here are a few pointers:
What to use?
The market for KS2 revision guides is extremely well populated. At St John’s, we have used the CGP revision guides / website for the last two years and have found them to be reasonably priced and very effective. However, other revision guides are aplenty (such as the Achieve range: Achieve Range Samples here) and it really does matter which one your child prefers.
How do I revise?
Again, this can vary from child-to-child however the advice we would give is to revise little and often; having a set amount to cover or a time set aside to revise can be much more focused and effective. Revision can be completed using paper-based revision guides or useful websites / apps such as the BBC Bitesize (available here: BBC Bitesize – A really useful revision website for all subjects resources) or Atom Prime. Mr Redfern will discuss this during the Parents Meeting that we run each year in the Spring term.
When should my child start to revise?
Please don’t let your child start revising too early. They should be like finely tuned athletes who peak at just the right time! It is advisable to begin thinking about revision from January onwards but to begin using revision guides from February onwards. Remember – the school will run revision sessions when possible during the Spring & early part of the Summer term depending on staff availabily.
BBC Bitesize – A really useful revision website for all subjects
- CGP Online 10 Minute Tests – Prepare for SATs by taking these short, 10-minute assessments to help to focus your revision.
Grammar Spelling And Punctuation Help
Challenging Shape Related Sats Questions
Shape and Movement revision games – Really useful and fun reminder of shape features etc