Welcome to Year 4
Year 4 Timetable
Homework Information
Children in Y4 should aim to engage in quality reading time at home at least five times per week. It is also essential that, by the end of Year 4, the children know their multiplication facts up to 12×12.
Many thanks,
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Year 4 Key Information
Year 3 & 4 Statutory Spelling List
The above spelling list is available in all children’s homework books.
Reading Tube Map
Year 4, 5 & 6 Times Tables Challenge Grid
Useful Times Tables Websites
I have added some useful websites below to aid with learning times tables. Most are useful for pupils and parents and can give tips on how to learn times tables. Additionally, www.timestables.co.uk is particularly useful as it offers a ‘stepped’ learning process, with each activity adding a little more challenge.
Give them a try!