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Wellbeing and Mental Health

Wellbeing for pupils at St. John’s CE Primary School

“The school takes good care of pupils’ mental and physical health. Pupils know they can always talk to an adult or use a ‘worry box’ to report a concern.” Ofsted, 2023.

CRISIS CARE CENTRE 24/7 SUPPORT: 0300 123 0907 OPT 1

Emotional wellbeing is just as important as physical health. Good mental health allows our pupils to develop the resilience to cope with daily life.

Support for pupils:

Mental health is addressed during PHSE sessions and school events, however if pupils require further support we have Pastoral Support in place, or referrals to outside agencies can be made.

If you are concerned about your child’s wellbeing, please contact our school office for more information, or use one of the links below.

When Emotions Explode! Advice for parents

When Emotions Explode advice for parents

Flourishing In Stressful Times

Parenting Advice from child mental health experts


Separating Better Co-parenting App

Separating better, a groundbreaking mobile app from our team of experts, is developed to support parents navigating the challenges of separation. This child-centric app provides essential guidance on co-parenting and managing disagreements, and has been designed with the wellbeing of the family in mind.


North Staffs Mind Wellbeing Suport for Adults and Children

North Staffs Mind Wellbeing Support brochure Summer 2021 final

Wellbeing – Helplines, Apps and Websites that Offer Guidance and Support

Help lines Apps Web links

Helplines and websites for parents

Events for Parents / Carers: 

Self Harm Workshop Flyer

© 2025 St John's CE Primary School - Wetley Rocks Made by CODA Education

St John's CE Primary School - Wetley Rocks